Expanding your Italian vocabulary through your passion for skincare is a rewarding way to enhance your language skills. While some of these Italian terms may not be taught in traditional language classes, they are incredibly useful, especially for anyone with a keen interest in skincare or a career in the beauty industry. Learning such specialized Italian vocabulary not only deepens your knowledge but also enables you to speak in unexpected situations. All in all, a great way to blend personal interests with language learning so hope you enjoy this list of Italian vocabulary related to skincare!
Italian vocabulary related to skin care
- Face- Viso
- Body- Corpo
- Hair- Capelli
- Feet- Piedi
- Arms- Braccia
Types of skin:
- Pelle secca- dry skin
- Pelle matura- mature skin
- Pelle spenta- dull skin
- Pelle mista- combination skin
- Pelle grassa- oily skin
- Pelle cadente- sagging skin
- Pelle flaccida- flabby/limp skin
- Pelle unta- greasy skin
- Pelle con imperfezioni- skin with blemishes
- Pelle liscia- smooth skin
- Pelle luminosa- glowing skin
Issues on skin
- Rughe – wrinkles
- Linee sottili – fine lines
- Occhiaie- dark circles
- Borse- under eye bags
- Palpebre cadenti- drooping eyelids
- Codice a barre- wrinkles around the mouth
- Punti bianchi- white spots
- Punti neri- blackheads
- Zampe di galline- crow’s feet
- Macchie del sole- sun spots
Verbs and skincare products
- Truccare- to do make up
- Massaggiare- to massage
- Idratare- hydrate
- Pulire- clean
- Trucco- makeup
- Mascara- mascara
- Correttore- concealer
- Detergente- cleanser/face wash
- Rossetto- lipstick
- Eyeliner- eyeliner
- Crema idratante-moisturizing cream
- Siero viso- face serum
- Struccante- makeup remover
- Protezione solare- sunscreen
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