
Slow Travel and Italy

COVID-19 has changed the world and also the way we think about travel. While Slow Travel is not a new concept, it is a global trend and definitely one that I’ve meaning to talk about since a long time.

What exactly is Slow Travel??

Slow Travel is a way of soaking a place and traveling deeper, at your pace.

Slow Travel is a way of being more aware of the surroundings and traveling ethically.

Slow Travel is really about slow living. It is about being mindful about the day.

Slow travel offers a chance to know the locals and complete immersion in the culture.

Slow Travel is re-visiting places you love!

Slow Travel = observing and feeling the pace of the city.

Slow Travel is avoiding overflowing schedules.

Credits: Tomas Anton
Credits: Valentina Locatelli

Why Slow Travel??

Slow Travel has several importance and benefits. In this day and age where travel has become so lackluster and is more about ticking places seen on Instagram, Slow Travel serves as a reminder to travel for the pleasure of travel. No big lists, no hurried day trips, living in the moment!

1. Slow Travel allows a richer experience of being in the moment

2. Slow Travel helps to stay longer in one place and thus promotes the local economy

3. Slow Travel aims to promote authentic experiences and a chance to discover locals

4. Slow Travel eliminates rushed day trips and enables to actually “see” a place

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Credits: David Lazaro

Slow Travel and Italy:

Il dolce fa niente, the sweetness of doing nothing.

Italy and Slow Travel fit perfect together. After all, aren’t Italians known best to take things slowly?? Here are a few ideas for slow travel in Italy (I have done some of these before) that I’d love to keep incorporating in the coming trips:

  1. Traveling in this antique steam engine train in Tuscany
  2. Lying down on the beach and doing absolutely nothing
  3. Visiting less places than usual
  4. Reading an entire book without thinking what to do next!
  5. Having a long meal with my friends
  6. Buying vegetables from the farmers market only
  7. Visit more sagre (local festivals)
  8. Conversing with a local without a reason
  9. Understanding more about “Made in Italy” products to promote local artisans
  10. Booking a local hotel or an agriturismo whenever possible
  11. Being part of an olive or wine harvest
  12. Exploring abandoned towns such as Cirella Vecchia in Calabria
Credits: Markus Winkler

I know a lot of us don’t have holidays for 2 weeks and some of us don’t even have flexible schedules, but if you are considering a future trip to Italy, whether as a first timer or a seasoned traveler, consider doing less and experiencing more.

Think about a 10-15 days slow travel in Italy that will help both your mind and soul and enable a much more rich experience. Enjoy the beauty of being in the most beautiful country in a non-rushed way. Simply explore an area and be in the moment!

I have a list of 5 places for you that I think are perfect for Slow Travel in Italy. Having seen these towns in the past, I can vouch that the opportunity to slow travel might be more nicer here. These are less touristy towns and offer a chance for more authentic (if I may say so) slow experiences. You can download the list below and keep dreaming of a travel to Italy in the future. Happy Planning!! 🙂

A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.

Lao Tzu

Further Reading:


  • Cristina Gusmao
    March 3, 2021 at 8:08 am

    I cannot stop reading this newsletter. I am totally in love with everything you wrote. Thank you so much and keep doing the great work. ❤🇮🇹❤🇨🇦👏

    • Italophilia
      March 4, 2021 at 4:25 pm

      Omg thank you Cristina! That really means a lot. I love having you on my Newsletter too. Stay well and safe.

  • Tanja/The Red Phone Box travels
    January 17, 2021 at 7:13 pm

    great, but not everyone can afford slow travel. and I think that after this pandemic finishes, travel industry will again become more elitist like in the past.

    • Italophilia
      January 19, 2021 at 11:09 am

      I know right?? That’s why I wrote in the end that not everyone can get vacation or afford it. I wish travel changes but like you said its not realistic and it would be elitist.

  • KareninCalabria
    January 11, 2021 at 12:06 pm

    Just tonight I saw the Simpsons’ episode that should make anyone run away from mass travel in favor of slow travel. Marge and the kids were at a quiet beach location, enjoying the pace of a little town, when a ferry named “Day Tripper” pulled up to the dock. A horde of people swarmed off, the shopkeepers immediately raised the prices in their shops, and Maggie’s stroller got trampled by the mob. Nuff said.

    • Italophilia
      January 11, 2021 at 6:40 pm

      So apt and perfect! Enjoying the quiet pace of the town..xx


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